What Are Probiotics, And Why Are They So Great?

One of my favorite health trends that’s been popping up over the last few years has got to be probiotics. The things these micro-organisms can do for us is absolutely […]

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Can TCM Help with Breast Cancer?

If you couldn’t tell by the sudden appearance of pink everywhere, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. And with stats like “1 in 8 women will develop invasive breast cancer […]

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Intro to Herbal Medicine

In my previous blogs, I’ve discussed acupuncture, cupping, and diet as ways to influence how the qi moves through and affects your body. The final pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine […]

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The 5 Flavors in TCM

In my last blog, we started discussing the energetics of food. We discussed the difference between yin vs yang, and moist vs. dry in foods. Traditional Chinese Medicine actually takes […]

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The Energetics of Food

If you read my last blog, then you already know about Qi and how Yin and Yang energy can affect your body. A short recap, in case you missed it […]

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