By Danisha Bogue, L.Ac. - April 1, 2024
Categories: General

Feeling like a sloth trapped in a human body? Dragging yourself around like a deflated balloon? Yep, we’ve all been there – victims of the dreaded fatigue monster. But before you resign yourself to a lifetime of naps and sweatpants, hold on! Traditional Chinese Medicine has some ancient wisdom that might just turn you into the energizer bunny!

Does Traditional Chinese Medicine know why I’m so tired?

Long story short? Yes. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, fatigue isn’t just about forgetting your coffee (although, that definitely doesn’t help). It’s about the state of your Qi (your body’s vital energy flow). There are two types of Qi – Yin and Yang. Yin energy is slow and cold, all about rest and recovery. Yang energy is fast and hot, and all about active and challenging activities. When these energies are in balance, we feel super-human. When they get out of balance, we end up with things like chronic fatigue. 

It might be tempting to assume that you have too much Yin energy when you’d rather be napping than working, but it’s not quite that simple. Too much Yang energy can also leave you feeling depleted because you aren’t recovering like you should. Luckily, your Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner is an expert at helping to determine your specific energy imbalances AND helping you to address them. 

So is this where acupuncture comes in?  

Acupuncture is definitely one of the more famous parts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and for good reason! Think of acupuncture as a friendly nudge for your Qi. By sticking thin needles into specific points on your body, your acupuncturist can help unblock those energy pathways and get your Qi moving properly again, and restore balance between your Yin and Yang energies!

You said acupuncture is the most famous – but what are some of the other ways Traditional Medicine can help me?

Traditional Chinese Medicine has a treasure trove of herbal medicine that can kick your energy into high gear. The energy power trio of Traditional Chinese Medicine is Ginseng, Astragalus, and Goji Berries. These ancient allies pack a punch when it comes to boosting your Qi. 


Think of Ginseng as your personal cheerleader, pumping up your Qi and sending it on a victory lap through your body. It does this by stimulating the adrenal glands, those little powerhouses that produce adrenaline and cortisol, giving you a natural kickstart. Ginseng also helps regulate blood sugar, so you avoid those dreaded energy crashes, and it even enhances mental clarity!


Astragalus is the superhero of your immune system. It strengthens your immune defenses, helping to keep those energy-sucking germs at bay. It’s rich in antioxidants, boosts white blood cell production, and helps regulate body temperature, all of which keep you feeling strong and energetic. 

Goji Berries

These little red gems are not just delicious snacks; they’re like tiny powerhouses brimming with antioxidants that fight free radicals – those pesky villains that steal your energy and leave you feeling drained. Goji berries also pack a punch of vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, Vitamin C, and iron, all essential for keeping your metabolic engine running smoothly. 

Remember – not all herbs are right for everyone. Your Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner will be able to recommend herbs and their dosage based on your exact energy imbalances.

That sounds pretty great. Is there anything I can do on my own though, before my appointment? 

Of course! Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach to health, which means your whole life, not just medicine. There are diet and lifestyle tweaks you can make on your own to help yourself along in the journey out of fatigue. 

Food as medicine

Remember your mama saying “you are what you eat”? Turns out, she was onto something! In Traditional Chinese Medicine, certain foods can nourish your Qi and fuel your energy levels. Think warm, comforting soups, whole grains like quinoa and brown rice, and colorful veggies packed with vitamins and minerals. Ditch the sugary snacks and processed junk, and your body will thank you with a spring your step. 

Lifestyle Tweaks

Beyond herbs and needles, Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes balance and harmony in your lifestyle. Getting enough sleep (think 7-8 hours, not late-night Netflix binges) and regular exercise (even if it’s just a walk in the park), can work wonders for your energy levels. Plus, managing your stress (think meditation, yoga, or even just venting to a sympathetic friend) can do wonders for your Qi flow. 

I think I can do that (at least some of it). 

Perfect! Remember, Traditional Chinese Medicine isn’t about quick fixes or magical potions. It’s about a holistic approach to health and well-being. By giving your Qi some TLC with acupuncture, herbs, mindful eating, and a few lifestyle tweaks, you can banish the fatigue monster and reclaim your vibrant, energetic self. Now go forth and conquer your day (or at least make it to that afternoon coffee without collapsing)!


Be well.



This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. Please consult your healthcare provider prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition. Individual results may vary.